Today we're announcing Mindjet's acquisition of JCVGantt® Pro 3, a project management software application from Gantt Solution. The acquisition makes MindManager an even more powerful option …
Project Mgmt
Check out Mindjet’s May Newsletter – Power Up Your Projects with Mindjet JCVGantt Pro 3
This edition features: CBS Writer Gloria Calderón Kellett and announces Mindjet JCVGantt® Pro 3, with monthly columns by productivity experts CJ Cornell, Jamie Nast and Stephanie Diamond, Tips …
Controlling Chaos Podcast Interviews Michael Deutch on Mindjet’s New Project Management Jetpack
Dina Henry-Scott, from the Controlling Chaos Podcast, recently interviewed Michael Deutch, Mindjet’s Director of Solutions Marketing, on MindManager Pro 7 and Mindjet's new project …
Create a Marketing Project Dashboard in MindManager
Linda Cleary, Marketing Specialist at Mindjet, created a cool Marketing Project Dashboard template, as a fun way to manage her job functions. We wanted to pass it onto you, to inspire you to think of …
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