Happy Monday everyone! Are you into GTD (David Allen's Getting Things Done), just getting started with it or wondering what it is? I'm excited to share my recorded webinar that offers a high level …
GTD + Mindjet = Efficient + Effective
Thanks to everyone who attended today's webinar, Using Mindjet MindManager with David Allen’s Getting Things Done Methodology. As soon as the recording is available, I'll repost this blog with the …
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Focusing on My Horizons with MindManager & GTD
One reason I joined Mindjet in early 2007 was because MindManager evoked a great passion in its users and has the potential to improve not only the productivity but also the quality of people’s lives. …
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GTD Summit: Day 2 – Live Blog
7:30 AM: Another great breakfast, but no bacon! 8:45 AM: David Allen preaches the principles of Making It All Work and tells us we all have more GTD homework to do if we have the same thought …
GTD Summit Day 1 – Live Blog
8:53 AM: It's incredibly exciting, sitting at the GTD summit in the front row. On my right, David Allen's Time Keeper sits with her stop watch, getting ready for the event. 8:55 AM: David walks onto …
Live Blogging At The GTD Summit
Tonight is the kick-off for the GTD Summit here in San Francisco. If you haven't noticed, David Allen and his GTD method of Getting Things Done have really taken off! David is a long time fan of …