Today Mindjet released its new MindManager Viewer Beta, the first browser-based viewer (Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater) designed to enable people without MindManager to get a better feel for …
MindManager Accelerator for Google
Background A few of our power users have noticed that their Google Smart Map Part in MindManager X5 Pro has stopped working. We saw this too and concluded that it was caused by either a change to the …
Mapping out: When/why to Hire. When/why to Fire
Dwayne Melancon has blogged again, this time about using MindManager to determine what would prompt him to hire someone, and what would move him to fire them. You might also check out Wayne's …
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MindManager at Microsoft
Michael Linenberger, author of Seize the Work Day: Using the Tablet PC to Take Total Control of Your Work and Meeting Day (a book about making practical use of the Tablet PC in a business …
Keeping Floating Topics Free
A user just asked me how to keep floating topics from becoming attached to the main map as you move them around -- and especially closer to -- the map. If you use ALT + Shift as you move the …
Mapping the Wild Winds
Those of you who live or have friends and/or relatives on the East Coast will be comforted to know that the Federal Aviation Association is managing post-hurricane recovery efforts using …