If you are a mapper and your company uses Microsoft SharePoint, I hope you have had a chance to take a look at Mindjet Connect SP, our solution for extending and enhancing SharePoint. Only a couple of months have gone by since the initial release, and we are proud to already have a service release helping move Connect SP one step closer to complete task management.
The release has fixed some know issues, and has added in two nice enhancements to its functionality:
- You can now click on the priority and percent complete icons in Connect SP, and change their status. For example, from priority 1 to priority 2 or 50% complete to 75% complete. That information is then automatically updated in the SharePoint task you are linking to.
- There is a new button in the interface allowing you to create a SharePoint task from inside of Connect SP, improving our seamless integration with SharePoint task management
If you had not had a chance to see Connect SP in action, take a look at this video for a quick overview:
Or check out the Connect SP web page and request a demo.