So you’ve just wrapped up an interview and you’re thinking it went pretty well—in fact, you’re pretty sure you’re on the verge of actually getting the job. However, given today’s competitive business climate, you’re smart enough to also know that you can’t count your chickens just yet.
We’ve all been in this situation before, right?
Here’s what a Mindjet applicant did to seal the deal. Instead of merely sending a thank you note he sent a simple, creative thank you video (he was applying for a position in learning services) using MindManager for it’s foundation.
Take a look:
A simple, powerful idea: I thought it was also novel, personal and showed he was creative and well suited for the job.
As for the applicant, Trent Thompson?
He started last Monday as our new Education Services intern. He’ll be creating videos on tips, tricks and product features. You’ll soon be viewing his work on learning services center.
I think you’re gonna like what you see.