The world shipped 500 million smart phones last year and is on track to ship even more in 2012. And with mobile web traffic up 162% worldwide, we’re just getting started.
More crazy facts about mobile:
- In the United States, 1 in 2 mobile users carry a smart phone.
- 4 out of 5 smart phone owners use their phone to help them shop.
- Venture capitalists invested $592 million in mobile marketing and advertising companies in 2011 (up from $128 million)
- 70% of college grads aged 18-49 own smart phones.
Recent billion-dollar acquisitions aside, consumers aren’t just using their phones to take artsy photographs and share them on Facebook. Workers are increasingly bringing their mobile devices to work and working from their mobile devices long after they’ve left the office. The workforce is going mobile, but many organizations aren’t fully prepared to serve their mobile employees.
To reap the full advantages of mobile in the workforce, organizations and employees alike must be ready to have a serious discussion about the benefits and implications of mobility. Mobility helps employees be more productive and accessible, but employers must take care that the ability to work anytime, from anywhere doesn’t turn into the obligation to work all the time, from everywhere.
To learn more about putting mobile to work for you, your team, or your company, join Chris Silva, mobile analyst at Altimeter, for the webinar Get Smart: Empower the Mobile Workforce . Chris covers the common roles and needs of the mobile workforce, as well as company use cases and success stories.