When’s your next meeting? Did you just sigh?
Meetings can seem like neatly scheduled 30-minute blocks of wasted time. Poorly planned. Inefficiently run. And sometimes: just plain pointless.
Introducing MindManager Meeting Jetpack
The Meeting Jetpack is the fastest way to get the most out of MindManager when it comes to planning and managing efficient meetings that result in clear decisions and action plans. For many organizations, meetings are the business process most in need of improvement, and MindManager can turn time-wasting get-togethers into models for clear communication and decision-making.
Meeting Jetpack has everything you need to make your next meeting meaningful and productive, including:
These 8 shiny new MindManager map templates. Quickly jump-start any type of meeting, allowing teams to capture and organize ideas, formulate action plans, promote problem-solving, highlight meaningful connections and prioritize needs.
Dozens of new icons. MindManager icons help bring clarity, create more effective agendas and convey ideas faster and easier, visually conquering information overload and making meetings go more smoothly.
Our MindManager Meeting Jetpack Resource Guide. This user guide takes you through all the Jetpack resources in a simple step-by-step format to help you plan and run meetings that create results.
Meeting Jetpack is available right now! Click here for full details.
The Meeting Jetpack is compatible only with current versions of MindManager — MindManager 14 for Windows and MindManager 10 for Mac. To learn more, click here.