You’ve been waiting for it, and now it is finally here. The place where you can share, rate and comment on your fellow mappers work. This online community is not only the destination for you to share your best maps and get great ideas from other mind mappers; but will open up the concept of mapping to a whole new audience. Just think how much easier sharing videos and content is now thanks to the likes of YouTube.
If you have MindManager all you need is an .mmap file and you are ready to start. For new comers to mapping you can also come in, play around and see what it’s all about. How much easier could it get?
This great community provides you the platform you need to put your amazing mapping skills to the test. As you might have guessed by now, the recent string of blog posts and ‘fun’ maps that have been coming out with the same name were built to help set the stage.
With the new MapsforThat community you will be able to:
- Upload, download and view maps in one all inclusive community.
- Comment, rate and share maps with the rest of the world.
- Bring your mapping skills to the forefront for everyone to see.
- Get the most valuable and popular map templates for MindManager.
What are you waiting for, login or sign-up today. Registering is easy, in fact I would bet that many of you already have login details. If you have a registered email address and password with Mindjet you already have everything you need to be up and running. All you have to do is make a display name for the site and you can begin uploading.
I encourage you to get out there and take a look. Open up those creative juices and let those maps fly. This is an ever evolving community for you—the users. Please share with us comments or feature requests that you have and we will work our hardest to get this to be everything you want it to be. After all it is a community for you.